There are both English and Chinese version of instructions below.
1. 安裝 esay-install
指令: pip install virtualenv
2. 創建虛擬環境
指令: virtualenv environment_name
3. 啟用虛擬環境 (Linux版)
指令: source bin/activate
3. 啟用虛擬環境 (Windows版)
指令: Scripts\activate.bat
4. 終止虛擬環境
指令: deactivate
English version:
1. install esay-install
Command: pip install virtualenv
2.Create a virtual environment
Command: virtualenv environment_name
3. Activate the virtual environment (Under Linux)
First, cd to the virtual environment directory.
Then use the following command to activate the environment.
Command: source bin/activate
3. Activate the virtual environment (Under Windows)
First, cd to the virtual environment directory.
Then type the following command in command line:
Command: Scripts\activate.bat
By the parentheses at the prefix you can see that your virtual environment is already activated!
4. Deactivate the virtual environment
Command: deactivate
We can see that the virtual environment is deactivated by the change of the prefix.
Once you activate the virtual environment, everything that you install by the command pip will only be in that virtual environment.
[More!] List environments and Delete environments
If you want to see the list of the virtual environments you have right now, you have to install additional package called 'virtualenvwrapper'
First, we need to install it via pip
Command: pip install virtualenvwrapper
To activate virtualenvwrapper, add three lines in ~/.bashrc:
Don't forget to replace the three paths with your own.
(/home/kitty/virtualenv is where I'll create my virtual environments)
Then, source ~/.bashrc
[Note] You can find where your is by the following command:
Command: find . -name 'virtual*' (you can replace . with other directories)
Now let's test if it's working now~
First I create two virtual environments called 'test' and 'test2', respectively.
Then I use the command 'lsvirtualenv' to see what environments I have now.
You can also use '-b' option to see a brief version list.
Now, I want to delete test2
Command: rmvirtualenv environment_name
After that, I can use lsvirtualenv to see the list again, and now you can see that test2 is removed.
參考資料 reference:
1. About Python virtualenv:
2. How to install virtualenv:
3. virtualenvwrapper
4. virtualenv related commands:
5. lsvirtualenv "long" and"brief" options